Idiots Make a Guide to Surviving Comic Con 2009

Sorry for the lack of the No Doubt video/playlist.  I promise that I will get it all out there.  For now, here’s what’s going down.  Since No Doubt, we’ve had Jay’s sister’s high school graduation, Sara’s bachelorette party, Jay’s family reunion in Ohio, 4th of July in New York, and then I went up to NY again last weekend.  It’s been somewhat busy/crazy.  I also promise to do a HUGE set of updates once things come down.  Now I’m busy scrapbooking the last year for my & Jay’s 2nd anniversary on July 29.

Oh yeah and WE’RE GOING TO COMIC CON IN 5 DAYS!!!  I. Am. So. Excited.

Jay, Jack & I filmed this amateur’s guide to Comic Con for  Check it out if you haven’t already.  I have to give props to Ralph & Ben, formerly of the Dharmalars podcast aka the godfathers of the Comic Con Survival Guide.  I’m going to be blogging updates from this blog (more personal pictures from Comic Con) and (’s community blog, which anyone can submit blogs to be published – this will have the more “professional” pictures, I guess), and of course, will be updating content on the site at least once a day.  So if you’re a Comic Con enthusist and want to know what’s going on, then bookmark all 3 sites and check back daily.  I can’t promise that this blog will be updated every single day, but & will be updated daily.  Jay & Jack will also be doing some live stuff from at some time during Comic Con too.

Okay, enough yakking out of me.  I seriously have to go eat olives & scrapbook right now.  This is not a joke.  They are olives stuffed with garlic and jalapenos so GFY if you think eating olives is lame.  Thus said, here’s Comic Con Guide:

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