Entering the World of Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Fantasy

Enough of all the depressing airline posts! Although it may not seem like it, I do actually spend like a good 40% of my day NOT focusing on flying. As previously mentioned, Jay & I celebrated our one year anniversary with a trip to Disneyland. It rocked. Much thanks to “Producer Ryan” for the hook-up and the special reservation to Blue Bayou! And of course, a million thanks to Jay for taking me! 🙂

Getting ready to leave Ralph’s apartment

Yup, we’re still hammin’ it up, ready to leave.


Splash Mountain

Hollywood Hotel of Terror, Time #1

Hollywood Hotel of Terror, Time #2

Damn, my flight to Hoth is delayed.

Space Mountain

Just a little woman, not strong enough to lift weights…


Celebrating our actual anniversary at – where else? – the airport!
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