Obligatory 1/11/11 Post

So not only is today 1/11/11, but it also happens to be 108 days until Jay and I get married!  The invites are ordered and the bridesmaid dresses have started to come in.  Hooray!

There’s not a whole lot going on.  I managed to get caught up from missing 2 days of work in 8 hours today.  I rock.  I came in to a huuuuge pile stuff and basically did this crazy thing called “work all day” – even through lunch.  I felt accomplished lol.  Speaking of accomplished – Jay just finished reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Frak if you’re reading this, now you don’t have to ask me if he finished it yet hahaha).  It only took two years and 8 days from the day that he began reading it.  Why do I know this? Because he started it the day before I cut my finger open [warning: graphic pics] & had to get stitches.  What?  I’m good with dates.  Hence all my “obligatory” date posts lol.

So I’m back from my 4 day journey to Universal Studios in Orlando, FL.  I’m 3lbs heavier than when I left, but I had finally lost 2lbs so I guess technically I’m kinda exactly where I was 3 weeks ago.  Setbacks suck BUT when they’re setbacks thanks to vacations and Butterbeer, I guess there are worse things in the world to harp on and easy solutions like go back to exercising and stop drinking Butterbeer.  I know owe everyone a blog post to explain what Butterbeer actually is/tastes like.  It’ll probably be two parts, mainly with pictures and reviews of the rides we went on.  One will be just The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and the other will be Islands of Adventure & Universal Studios in general.  Jay’s working until close at Apple tomorrow night, so I’m going to do a blog about the trip after work tomorrow.  Stay tuned for that then!

P.S. My goal for January is to read “The Hunger Games” trilogy.  I better get moving…

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