Cold Friday

It’s freezing in Raleigh today!

It’s going to be cold tomorrow too, but that’s okay.  I did manage to get up at 5:30am yesterday morning and not only went to pilates but I also went for a run right after class was over, before I went to work.  Go me!  Of course, I negated everything within an hour of getting to work by eating a donut and half a bagel, so…that was great.  It’s been a steady day at work today; not a lot of patients, just a lot of work flow.  The morning went by quickly.  Now I’m just waiting from my co-worker to come back so I can go on my lunch break.  It’s been raining on and off all morning.  Currently, the rain has flipped to it’s “off” switch, so I’m going to venture outside for a change of scenery for lunch.  Regardless of the weather status later, I’m going to work out outside, so fingers crossed that the rain has passed by 5pm.

Oh, she’s back.  I get the next 30 minutes to myself, woot.  Have a great weekend everyone.  I think Jay and I are going to see The Lion King in 3-D tomorrow night.  To be honest, I’m not sure why a movie has to be released in any capacity (coughcough-greedystudioswantmoremoney-coughcough), but I’m a good wifey and I liked the movie as a kid, so that’s our nice little Saturday night plans.  It’ll be fun. 🙂

That’s it for now.  Man, my posts are boring lately, haha.  I think I’m just boring lately.  Ah well, stay warm and dry!

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