When Zach Met Santa

Every year, Santa visits my office. The director of another company in our building will dress up as Santa and all employees are invited to bring their children, grandchildren, etc. to visit with him. We were originally supposed to take Zachary to see Santa when Santa visited his school last week, but those plans were scrapped because Jay had the flu and we had no idea if Zachary or I were going to be spreading flu germs, so we felt it was best to not potentially expose 100 little children who sat on Santa’s lap after Zach to the flu.

Luckily, we were able to catch up with Santa on Monday, December 8. Zach did great. He was curious at first, then he smiled when we coaxed him to, and of course, he let us know when he had had enough. When we went to take a family picture, Jay and I stood behind Santa. Well, once we got behind Santa, Zach couldn’t see us anymore and that’s when he got upset. We never got the family picture, but we did get a lot of really adorable ones of just the two of them. I know next year will be a challenge once he has enough sense to be frightened of Santa, but hey, at least we got some good pictures for his first year meeting Santa.

Here are a few, even though you probably already saw them on my Facebook:









Here’s when the tears started:



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