Aaaaand noooow, 2 GLORIOUS, Ann Taylor-free days.

Um, I saw this sign in the bathroom of the Starbucks at 50th & Broadway last week. It amused me so much that I actually took a picture of it to share with all of you. Amanda G is the only one who’s actually taken as much pleasure in it as I have (I guess we’re officially the corniest people I know). But, as Gob would say, “COME ON!”

Isn’t it a little bit funny, or rather, absolutely hysterical that the sign gives instructions on how to wash your hands?! Does this mean that somewhere signs exists that tells people how to put their pants on or wipe their own ass?

Cassidy & Tricia – if you girls were there, you totally would’ve found it as humorous as I do. It’s kinda like the license plate that Tricia & I came across back in April when we drove from Cassidy’s apt in Elizabethtown to Tricia’s dad’s apt in Baltimore, after cracking about 483 jokes about all the Jesus freaks in PA. It’s hard to read (it rained like woah that morning but I made her take the pic anyway):

(…it says “Love God”. Tricia & I are going to hell.)

Ok! I FINALLY finished my 8 straight days of hell at Ann Taylor & now I’m totally psyched about having 2 days off in a row. If anyone wants to do anything, holler at me, I’m down, even if it’s just sitting on a street corner somewhere & staring at the gravel. As long as it doesn’t include anything remotely near Tanger Outlets, it’s golden..
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