I Was Just Doing My Job!

It’s been a while since I’ve had a Dumb Colleen story. Last night, I had a fantastic time at my company’s holiday party, btw. I don’t think anyone had less than 3 glasses of whatever their drink of choice was. I told my parents about it when I got home and their response was, “Yeah. We can tell.” Whatever THAT means.

Anyways, here’s what I did today:

Early this afternoon at work, one of the doctors, handed me an envelope. Now, I’m used to him handing me envelopes and usually it means, “Can you please stamp this?” 9 out of 10 times, he’ll ask me out loud because they are very respectful and nice to you there. So when he just said, “Here you go.” I assumed that since it was a shorter day for everyone, he was just cleaning house and wanted me to mail something and that it was simply a case of him being one-track minded (as in ‘it’s Friday and we all have to be out of here early so we’re in time for the Christmas party’).

So I start to automatically put it into the postage machine without even bothering to look at it or basically even get up to do so. My co-worker Linda rushes over to me and goes, “DON’T DO THAT!” She grabs the envelope out of the machine. “That’s your holiday bonus!!”

Oops. Well, in my defense, I was really expecting it so how was I supposed to know what I was handed? haha, I’m a dumbass. I tried to mail my bonus!

Okay, off to the airport. Jay & I are going to California til Monday. Yay! I wanted to do fun video blogs from the airport/plane (we have the same layover in Las Vegas), but I was told I have a problem lol. We shall see!

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