I’m a Free Bitch, Baby

2009 started off pretty rough.  Actually, the months of February thru May were filled with loss.  Loss of friends, loss of a podcast, “loss” of calling NY my “home,” loss of my dear dog, loss of my self-confidence when I couldn’t find a job and struggled with NuNews, etc.  But where there’s loss, there’s gain: Gaining new friends, gaining a new podcast, gaining a spiffy new apartment, gaining a new city to explore, gaining 2 new media projects, gaining my “freedom,” gaining a lovely little kitty.  June, July, August, September all rocked – Sara’s bachelorette party, Comic Con, Sara & TJ’s wedding, etc.  October brought new experiences: I transferred offices from Duke University Medical Center to Duke Raleigh & took on a lot of new responsibilities and my parents/grandparents finally came to visit me in Raleigh.  November, & December have been all about the goals: trying to get back in shape for early 2010 trips Hawaii and London, trying to plan 2010 for nuDia.tv & Yublog.org, and trying to figure out how one saves money properly when they’re not living at home.  All in all, 2009 was a very, very action packed year.

2010 is already lined up to be quite awesome though.  Hopefully, all the changes that made the start of 2009 so rough are finished and now it’s time to at least cruise for a little while.  In January 2010, we’re going to Hawaii for the Sunset on the Beach premiere of Lost‘s final season.  In February 2010, my parents, Katelyn & I are going to visit Christie in London for 8 days.  In March 2010, there’s Jay & Jack’s 30 Hour Marathon Podcast for Autism Speaks, which I’m excited for again.  May 2010, there’s the Lost finale party in Los Angeles, California.  July 2010 is Comic Con.  Man, I’m so fortunate to have all of these wonderful things to look forward to in the upcoming year.  I’m stoked.

I’ll end the year by doing something I used to do back in the early days of blogging.  I got the concept from my good friend Annie back in college.  You make a list of 10-20 people and write something you’ve wanted to say to them but do it anonymously.  You never have to reveal who you are talking to.  I used to have like 20 people on my list, but this year, I kept it small.  So here goes.   Goodbye, 2009.  Hello, 2010!

1. I hope you take a good look at yourself and seriously jump start your stalled life because this is not how it was supposed to be.

2. Perhaps in 2010, we’ll be a little more comfortable.

3. I don’t appreciate being lied to and I don’t owe you any loyalty so don’t expect it.

4. I hope you can get passed your issue & we can be friends instead of just friendly.

5. Out of everything I left behind in NY, I miss you the most.

6. It was my sincere pleasure to get to meet you and become friends with you in 2009!!

7. My prayer for you in 2010 is you stop lying to yourself and everyone else.  It’s more than okay to accept who you are because it’s not as hidden as you think it is and people still like & accept you regardless.  Once you let that terrifying thought breathe, I think everything else holding you back will come a lot easier.

8. My surprise new friends of 2009, you’re not only entertaining and talented, you’re good friends and you rock!

9. Not enough words to say everything you do for me but I love you, plain and simple.

10. Thank you so much for always putting up with my temper tantrums.  I know I’m not easy (TWSS)!

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