Clif’s Awesome LOST Promo

I promise that I am going to write up a post or two about this entire past weekend and some pictures up with background stories and the whole nine yards! I meant to do it yesterday but I had a combined total of 8 hours of sleep between Saturday and Sunday night and I was just dead on my feet yesterday. Seriously. We had no patients scheduled at work yesterday so I only turned one light on in the back room and sat in the dark all day because I was so exhausted that my eyes hurt. I went to bed at 9:45pm last night though and slept til 7:15am this morning so I feel much, much better despite having no voice.

ABC has this promo contest for the end of LOST and Clif decided to enter it using interviews and footage he shot this weekend and from LOST episodes. Here’s how it came out. It’s really awesome:

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