Karma and venting and all that jazz

Man, I’m beat.  Lately, it seems that no matter what I do, I’m just exhausted, both mentally and physically.  Mentally, I understand because I’m working full time, going to school three nights a week, and then coming home and trying to worry about things like budgeting, cleaning, homework, studying, etc.  Physically, I think I’m exhausted because the mental side of me keeps me up later at night and then wakes me up early in the morning, as well as not having that natural energy your body gets when you’re exercising regularly.  I hate how I look in the mirror every morning as a result of my workouts being cut in half because of school.  Things that used to be tight aren’t anymore and that’s just a causality of being busy and stressed, I suppose.  Oh well, whatever.  It’s 11:45pm and I’m too tired right now to care (and too wired to fall asleep like Jay did an hour ago).

Anyway, I do apologize for the cranky sounding blog posts lately.  It’s just exhaustion and this is my outlet!

ANYWAY.  I have one last thing to say about the topic of Rudey McRudes and it’s really just a link to an article about a waitress who was left no tip by a couple but was left a really helpful note on the check saying that she needed to lose weight!  Wow buddy!  You really are into those hard hitting issues, aren’t you?  Reminds me of that unflattering John Edwards story I heard last week and how unfair it is that jerks like you seem to be the ones who have the most money and success and power.  Karma!

Yeah, I’m done.  I needed to get that off my chest.  I do feel better now and actually like I could fall asleep soon.  Jay and I may spend a night in Charlotte at the end of this month, which is actually quite exciting!  I’ve never been to Charlotte and I hear it’s a fun town, so I’m hopeful that it will all work out.  Other than that, I’m re-obsessed with Instagr.am now that I’m mixing it with Camera Plus filters and I like Thursdays.  I get up at 5:25am, go to pilates at 6am then go for a quick run, then go to work for our staff meetings where I negate it all without feeling guilty and eat a bagel or doughnut.  I think I like Thursdays because they’re the first day of the week that I exercise and feel like myself again.  Gotta work on that.

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