HUGE APOLOGY that it’s taken me a week longer to get this post up than I wanted to. Back in April, I had shared an idea I had for a book focusing on how the current climate of the Internet (social media, etc.) has changed our lives drastically than what they would have been without it. I would love to get responses from as many people as possible. Does not need to be long; just honest. No catfish allowed! I don’t think I can do a better job describing it than I did in my original post, so please also refer back to there. That said, here is what I am looking for:
The purpose of the book is the paint a picture of how our lives would be so different right now if we didn’t have the Internet/technology/etc. Like how I wouldn’t know Jay right now if not for podcasting (I tell my story here). Stuff like that. I don’t want to be tied into specific examples because I want everyone’s story to be their own, unique experience told through their own voice/perspective. It’s not going to be a rip-off of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” format; I’m going to be following up with everyone and quoting/retelling what they tell me as I tie it all together. This is why I’m asking for help from whoever is willing to share their tales. The story I want to tell is there, but the sources are what will shape it.
Email me at if you have any questions. I also added section to the top of the page to add info as I get asked questions or proceed further. Thanks so much. I’m really excited!