Free Instagram Photobook Offer from FatMumSlim

Hey guys, just a head’s up to my fellow Instagram lovers – FatMumSlim, the guru behind the Photo-a-Day challenges, has posted a special offer through the company Blurb for a free 60 page photo book made from your Instagram pictures.  I have not finished mine yet, so I don’t know how much it actually costs Americans, but I know you get a $25 value in Australian currency and then pay whatever shipping is.  It’s really cool that we’re getting this offer.  I started mine tonight, but haven’t finished it yet.  Part of me wants to just do pictures from this summer and call it a “Summer 2012” album while another part of me wants to take advantage of the free and do a “Best Of” type album.  The first option is easier, the second more sentimental.  We’ll see what I do.

Well, after all that yakking, let me get to the only thing you really care about – the link to the free photo book offer.  Here it is:  It expires at 11:59pm on September 2, so hurry up and redeem it.  Let me know below if you’ve actually already done yours and what you think about the process.  🙂


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