November Photo-a-Day Roundup

Month 11 of the year has passed, which means Month 11 of FatMumSlim’s Photo-a-Day Challenge has been completed.  I struggled a bit with the picture topics this month; I felt some of them were recycled from previous months that I had felt meh about the first time (Breakfast, the _o’clock ones, In Your Bag, Where You Slept, Something You Do Everyday), but others were fun like Reflection, Grateful, Sky, Tree, and Can’t {Wont} Live Without.  That said, days 10 & 27 were my favorite pictures from the month.  I’m excited for December’s list because I feel like I’m in the home stretch!

Anyway, here’s my pictures from November’s Photo-a-Day list.  As always, click to enlarge and hover over any picture to see the original text that accompanied each one on Instagram.  Enjoy and thanks for reading/looking. 🙂

Day 1: Something That Starts With "C." Circle! I bet veryone thought I would take a picture of myself lol  Day 2: Color. Fall colors in Raleigh this year.  Day 3: Breakfast. Sooo I didn't eat breakfast this morning & I had a smoothie for lunch, so here's a consolation picture preview of dinner.

Day 5: 5 O'Clock The street lights were on. How depressing!  Day 6: A Favorite Thing. A surprise present AND it contains 4 of my favorite people! Thank you so much Gar! Love it! "I prefer a fist."  Day 7: Reflection. Back to Pure Barre Cary today to get back in shape. Yup, this pic makes me a tool.

Day 8: Something You Do Everyday. Take pictures of things, especially when I go for a walk.  Day 9: Small. This sall note was sent to me by my grandma before I started my program in Aug 2011 & I've kept it on my fridge as inspiration ever since.  Day 10: Can't {Won't} Live Without. My walks on sunshiny days. Good for the soul.

Day 11: Night. Day turning into night from the same walk as Thursday's picture.  Day 12: Drink. Getting my spoiled cat to drink water.  Day 14: Man-made. My wedge salad was made by the chef.

Day 15: Inside Your Bag. In my gym bag: Sneakers, tank & yoga crops. Very exciting, I know.  Day 16: The View From Your Window. I've done my view a few times before, so here's Zoe's view from her kitty castle circa 8am.  Day 17: The Last Thing You Bought. Technically, we won't [didn't] own it til [the following] Tuesday, but Jay finally fulfilled his dream of owning a red GTI.

Day 18: Happened This Weekend. Bought Zoe a snowman costume!  Day 19: Something Awesome.  Who doesn't? Dedicated to Gar, Pookie, & Arden.  Day 20: Work/Play.  Zoe plays in my pile as I work to fold laundry. She rolled all over this one, shhhh don't tell Jay.  This towel's his. ;)

Day 22: Grateful. Grateful to have such a wonderful family. I miss Jay though. Happy Thanksgiving to all!  Day 23: Black. Took advantage of some Black Friday deals at Tanger. Saturday is always a way better day to shop. Same deals, less crowds.  Day 24: A Sound You Heard. My dad & Christie discussig Christmas tree lights strategy.

Day 25: Sky. View of the last bit of light at 4:45pm from Long Island MacArthur Airport.  Day 26: In the Cupboard. These ginger snaps used to be in the cupboard, but now they're in the Christmas Cookie Jar! :)  Day 27: Tree.  Our Christmas tree is up :)

Day 28: Vehicle.  Yesterday, Jay finally took home his new car!  Day 29: Big.  Jay's big attempt at Movember, from 2 weeks ago.  Day 30: On the Wall.  Creepy newsboys on the glass wall at Raleigh Times.

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