642 Things to Write About Challenge: Week 7

Seven weeks in and still going strong.  I had a tough time picking out a topic for this week, despite my best efforts to do it in advance.  I went back and forth between a couple of them, but in the end decided to go with one that I found to be incredibly difficult.  If you want to play along this week, please leave your responses in the comment sections.  🙂

“Your most treasured photograph.”

This one was tough to pick.  I have several photographs that I love looking at and cherish the memory of what was going on at the time the picture was taken.  Hell, I have some pictures that I love simply because I look good in them, haha.  The one that I choose, however, is particularly special to me.  It’s of my grandparents and it was taken by my sister Christie in August 2012.  My grandpa is playing the piano at my parents’ house and my grandma is leaning in to hug him.  I can’t remember if this was taken before or after my grandpa got his second cancer diagnosis (I think it was before, when they thought he was out of the woods), but when I look at this picture, I can feel the emotions in it.  It reaffirms for me 1. How strong the bonds of love in my family are and 2. That I want to grow old with Jay and be there with him through it all!  No honestly, I just really love this picture.  Look how beautiful my grandma is.

I know everyone else probably thinks its sappy and depressing, but I don’t think it is.  I think it’s beautiful.  It a picture of love after 57 years of marriage.  Happy (Belated) Valentines’ Day!


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