642 Things to Write About Challenge: Week 47

Even though I started this on Sunday night, here we are on Wednesday morning night and my lazy ass hasn’t finished this post yet.  I think this is the latest I’ve ever been with a weekly challenge post.  I’m kinda disappointed in myself, to be honest.  🙁

“Thoughts on your favorite pet’s personality.”

We called her our puppy cat, because her personality puts her somewhere between a cat and a dog.  When Jay brought her to the apartment to live with us, it was the first time that she was really able to come into her own personality.  As a small kitten, she was quieter and lived in the shadow of both of her brothers and three family dogs.  It took a little while for her to warm up to her new life, but once she did, it was clearly the best thing that could have happened to our formerly shy little kitty.  She got spunky.

I didn’t know how to have a cat, so I treated her like a dog.  Every time someone makes a joke about a cat being too snooty to care about their humans or not wanting to be as warm & cuddly as a dog, I get confused, because the only thing Zoe doesn’t do that a dog does is lick you to show affection, haha.  Zoe is a cat with a good temperance and the tolerance of a loyal golden retriever.  She comes when you call her name and chases after things that you throw at her.  She’s playful and loves to cuddle up against you, day or night.  I’d keep going, but then you’ll think I’m a crazy cat lady, so instead, I’ll have to show you my thoughts on Zoe’s personality through pictures.  One thing’s for certain, our little Zobo ain’t your stereotypical cat. 😛

After all, would just any old typical cat let you do this to her?


And this…?


…with barely a protest?

She’s so chill that she lets you wear her as toupee:


She lets you take her shopping…


And she knows how to par-tay:


She cries when she knows she’s about to be left home alone:  [Note: True story.  She whines.  Loudly.]


Of course, she can get herself into some trouble every once in a while.  First, there was the “EVOO Incident” that resulted in a shower:


Then we had a sense of adventure that got her stuck in a ledge:  [She cried until she was rescued by Jay.]


She’s also a strong-willed woman-cat.  When begging for food doesn’t work, she takes matters into her own hands:


But at the end of the day, if you’re sleeping, she’s sleeping right there with you.


Zoe is one super cat!


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