Category Archives: Zoe

One Final Zoe Post

I can’t believe it’s been a month without our little Zobo Cat. It may sound silly, but we really miss her. We still have moments where we forget that she isn’t around – Alex will ask if she’s coming home … Continue reading

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Be A Good Kitty.

Zoe Helen Glatfelter passed away peacefully in her mommy’s arms on Wednesday, July 21, 2021 as her daddy rubbed her head in the way that she always loved being pet. She was born in July 2008 in her paternal family’s … Continue reading

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Some Zoe News

I write this post with a bit of sadness. Our wonderful kitty, Zoe, has been having some health issues lately. Over the last month, she had started eating less and less, and when we were away in New York over … Continue reading

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The Adventures of Zach & Zoe: Part 16

They send Snapchats to our friends Paul & Alice together… [Picture taken on August 16, 2015. Big thanks to Paul for grabbing me this screen cap!] Tweet

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The Adventures of Zach & Zoe: Part 15

They hang with Cap together…   [Photo taken August 9, 2015.] Tweet

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The Adventures of Zach and Zoe: Part 10

They commiserate together when Mommy makes them take too many pictures under the Christmas tree… [Photo taken December 7, 2014.] Tweet

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The Adventures of Zach and Zoe: Part 8

They converse at the dinner table…   [Photo: August 28, 2014 when Zachary was just about 11 weeks old.] Tweet

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The Adventures of Zach and Zoe: Part 7

They work out with Mommy…   [Photo: August 26, 2014 when Zachary was 10 weeks old.] Tweet

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The Adventures of Zach and Zoe: Part 6

They read books and look out at the backyard together… [Photo: August 25, 2014 when Zachary was ten weeks old.] Tweet

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The Adventures of Zach and Zoe: Part 5

They have staring contests in the morning…     [Photo: August 20, 2014 when Zachary was nine-and-a-half weeks old.] Tweet

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