Obligatory 12-13-14 Post

I almost missed it, but I made it! Zachary turned six months today and my goodness, I can’t believe it’s been six months since he was born. On one hand, it’s crazy that he’s six-months-old already but on a much stronger hand, it feels like he’s been with us forever and it’s hard to fathom that he’s only been with us for half of a year.  Having Zachary feels like it did when I first met Jay – like he’s a part of my soul who fits into my life so completely that I can’t remember what life was like without him. Man, I love my son.

I spent the day today working on making some headway with Christmas presents. I decided to try to make a bunch of them this year, so hopefully they turn out okay. I’ve been feeling down because I haven’t been able to exercise in almost a month and don’t see when in the next two months I’ll be able to do so again. That’s really difficult for me because for so long, my life has had such a focus on doing some form of physical activity. It keeps me sane and sleeping well at night. So, I decided to appeal to my creative side. I went on Pinterest to get some ideas and how I hope that it pays off. We’ll see.

Back to my six-month-old. He ran some errands with me today and he’s sitting in the shopping cart all by himself! I have a cover, so next time, I’ll be using it. Yes, I disinfected the cart and washed his hands when we got home.



He has also been hard at work learning how to take the rings off of his toy. He can take the top one off now and has figured out creative ways to get the other ones off. Once they’re all off, he fusses to have someone put them all back on for him so he can repeat the process. Well, I guess he has half of it figured out.


Zach has also been doing really well in school lately.


Now that he can sit up, he even interacts with other children there. Oh, my baby may have friends soon! How exciting! Here’s a picture of him playing with another child from his class.


His teachers said he laughed a lot on Friday. Jay & I have to work for our laughs, but when we get him to laugh for us, it is literally the best sound I have ever heard. Not only does someone think I am funny, but that laughing someone is my son who I am making happy. I love it.

Anyway, happy 12-13-14, everyone! I don’t think we have any fun number days next year, do we? Other than 1-5-15?

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