Obligatory 6-16-16 Post

Aaahhhh I missed some of the earlier ones this year, but not this one! I have two other posts that I have been working on, so I don’t have anything specifically to talk about in this one. But, what better time than to share a picture of this awesome dress that my coworkers and I are slightly in awe of?


I mean, it’s got to be super heavy, but that dress is hilarious.

ANYWAYS, I am doing a new podcast! It’s called “The Broadcast” and my cohosts are my old roommate from Astoria, Amanda, and my cohost on The Tribe, Shandy. I will have more on that within the next day or so.

Next up in random, here is an awesome video of some dude named Richie Moriarty doing 14 different celebrity impressions while singing the opening song to “Hamilton.”

There isn’t very much else going on right now. Jay has a toy show this weekend, which is always fun for me and Zach to go to. Jay and I have been doing Blue Apron, so I will have a post about that soon, too. Thankfully, the rest of June is going to be quiet. Hope everyone else is doing well!

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