Looking for Food Ideas!

I have never been a great chef, especially on workdays. Meals take too long to make after a long day at work. I have a pretty demanding 3.5-year-old at home, who has always commanded at least 95% of your attention at any time. So, dinners have always been a challenge. Last summer, we decided to finally take the plunge and get a Costco membership, mainly to consolidate all of our shopping trips into a few stores on the weekend (vs. running up to Harris Teeter or Target 4-5 times a week and spending way too much money) and to help meal plan through their pre-made meals. We found an offer on Groupon and went for it and haven’t looked back. Go us.

The downside? All of the Costco pre-made meals are pretty much the exact same every week, haha. After a month or so of them, we need a break from the monotony and to switch it up a little. That’s where Pinterest and some old standbys come in. Back in the early fall, we were on a Costco timeout and making fun things from my Zoodle maker and from Pinterest. Now that I’m going to be home on maternity leave for a few months, I’ll have more time to get back to attempting to cook on my own.

I’m putting out a call for recipes that are inexpensive and fairly uncomplicated. Please share! The best part about Costco meals is they keep us from running out to the stores to spend a lot of money every week. Anything that won’t cost an arm and a leg and is easy to make is a huge, welcomed plus.

Thank you! 🙂

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