The Broadcast Ep. 2.34 “Speedboating”

I started editing the most recent episode of The Broadcast and realized that I never posted anything about our last episode, which was released two weeks ago. We took last week off because it was Jay’s birthday on Tuesday (the day we usually record) and I needed a mental health week.

The episode is good though! Shandy talks about her experience at the open call for Big Little Lies extras in Monterey, take a Harry Potter character quiz, solve the mystery behind Shandy’s mysterious children’s toy, and have a discussion on what is theft and what is not.

The theft discussion has garnered a lot of feedback so far. Since there was so much of it, we did not get to it on this week’s episode (2.35). We will be covering it next week, so you have time to listen and get your own feedback in if you want to. (And judging by the amount of emails and Facebook comments we’ve received so far about the topic, you may want to weigh in, haha).

You can listen to the latest episode via BlogTalk Radiojayandjack.comiTunesStitcherGoogle Play/Android, etc. Happy Listening and thanks for listening.

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