3rd Annual Broadcast/Real Weird Sisters Crossover!

It’s time for the third annual Broadcast/Real Weird Sisters crossover! Shandy, Amanda, and I had a blast chatting with Martha and Alice this past week. Just like last year, we had enough content to do two weeks’ worth of shows, so be sure to listen to both parts!

On Ep. 4.27, “The Real Broad Sisters (in Bed), Part 1,” we play catch up, learning that Martha is now only the moderately weird sister and chat about The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Sex Education. We also discuss Greta Gerwig’s version of Little Women and then visit the Twitter party #AddAWordRuinABook. It’s a fun, smooth-flowing show and we hope you have as good of a time listening to it as we did recording it.

You can listen to the latest episode below or via jayandjack.comiTunesSpreaker, Spotify, StitcherGoogle Play/Android, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, etc.

As always, happy listening and thanks for listening!

Here are the links to our previous crossovers:

Ep. 230 “I’m With Hersicus: The Real Weird Crossover” (Feb. 18, 2018)
Ep. 3.28 “The Real Weird Standies: Part 1” (Feb. 1, 2019)
Ep. 3.29 “The Real Weird Standies: Part 2” (Feb. 8, 2019)

Listen to “The Broadcast Ep. 4.27 "The Real Weird Broads (in Bed)"” on Spreaker.

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