Tag Archives: Pinterest

Stuffed Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Bread

It’s been ages since I’ve made a post from something that I’ve made after being inspired by Pinterest. The last time I did a food-from-Pinterest post was October 7, 2013, which happened to be the day that I found out … Continue reading

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Cheddar, Avocado & Sun-Dried Tomato Quesadillas

I’ve been on another big DIY/try new recipe kick lately.  I printed out a bunch of stuff from Pinterest, put them in a binder divided by category, and have been trying to work my way through them.  Hmmm.  Does that … Continue reading

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Taco Muffins!

I was feeling like I needed a new project, so I started looking around Pinterest on Sunday night to pass some time when I came across a recipe called “Weight Watchers Taco Cupcakes.”  Intrigued and looking for an excuse lately … Continue reading

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Easter Weekend Recap

I cannot believe that it’s April 9 already.  It feels like just yesterday I was writing that post about what to give up for Lent and now Lent is already over.  I hope everyone had a nice Easter! Jay & … Continue reading

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The Shire + Fire = Awesome

My sister Katelyn gave me my belated birthday present while Jay & I were back on LI for Easter this past weekend: HOW COOL IS THAT?! She apparently got the idea to make it after seeing something similar done on … Continue reading

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