25th Birthday Recap

So thus far today, my packing has been this successful: I threw shit out from my desk (that I don’t even need to go through) and packed both my U.S. and British editions of Harry Potter and my Lord of the Rings books.  Yeah, this is not good lol.  I can’t really do anything outside of the house before 3:30pm each day because I’m on doggie nurse duty for Strider – 13 pills a day, including diuretics which means he has to be taken outside to go to the bathroom at least once every 1.5-2 hours.  My dad does the pills but it’s a huge ordeal because some are so large that they have to be literally shoved down his throat.  I feel badly because the dog will unintentionally bite down on his hand at least 4 times each session & this morning he drew blood.

My birthday parties were fun.  I gotta admit that on Friday, I was just totally not feeling doing anything birthday-related.  It took longer to pick Strider up from the doggie cardiologist than I thought it would and I missed the train into Manhattan, so I just drove in to Astoria and took the subway to Hi-Fi to meet up with the BTR crew.  Annie made me FUNFETTI CUPCAKES, which I think I had 4 of.  It was fun and nice to see everyone who could make it.

Also on Friday, I had a surprise.  Jay couldn’t make it this weekend and knew how disappointed I was so he sent me beautiful flowers to make up for it 🙂  Aren’t they purdy?

Birthday Flowers from Jay

So, Saturday was the big party at Stout in Herald’s Square.  I didn’t end up going to New York Comic Con because I was just drained from the previous 2 days and needed to try to chill before the all-nighter.  Katelyn and her friends Kelly & Eddie came in with me at 7pm so we could get a lot of seats for everyone at the bar.

Everyone tricked in from around 7:30pm-10:30pm.  I was so excited to see everyone and even more excited to accept multiple birthday drinks.  In fact, at around 12:50am, Randy & Claudio got me a double shot of Tequlia and for some reason, I then thought that it would be a good idea for Katelyn & Eddie to take the last “early” train home at 1:12am without me and I’d just take one at like 3am and get a cab for the 25 minute ride back.  Yeah, I don’t know either.  Sooooo around 1:30am, I wanted to go home and was “stuck.”  So what did I do?  My grandparents were staying at the Marriott Downtown for a conference that night & I decided to go drunkely visit them.  Then I slept over in their hotel room.  Yeah.  Don’t even say a word.

We did a family party yesterday but it was quieter.  My mom’s been sick the last few days and we wanted to keep it low-key so the dog didn’t have a heart attack, but it was cool. Still lots of good food.  My aunt & uncle told me that I should enjoy 25 because everything beyond is just “early 30.”

So yeah, that’s my birthday story.  Also, I know that this could come across wrong, but I’m just sorta “woah” to have seen this:

29 in iTunes

In 2 years podcasting, I’ve never ever been on any iTunes featured list or top something.  It’s in the Audio Podcast list of the TV/Film category. Jay & I started the ChuckCast as a joke but then decided we liked doing because it took a total of 1 hour a week with recording and editing (knock on wood) and seemed like fun we should keep having! 🙂  I’m actually not going to look at any reviews because I remember the last time that I did something that was more in Jay’s “territory” and 75% of the people who commented hated me.  I wasn’t trying to come off poorly but damnit that sucked hardcore and I’d rather just say “screw it” and be kept in the dark this time.

Anyways, I have a bunch of pictures from my birthday party, but I’m putting them after the jump because there are quite a few (I’ll put more up on Facebook when I feel like it).  My camera’s crazy ass flash makes me look like I haven’t been out in sunlight in 3 years and I also look drunk basically from an hour in (I think it was more like 2.5 hours in though…).  I’m also aware I’m in desperate need of a haircut & am getting on on Friday.  Much thanks to everyone who came out and who left me messages on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, message boards, etc.

From Stout 2/7/09:

img_5844I can’t be in pictures with my sister Katelyn. She’s way too hot.

Stout groupEarly in the night group from left: Chris, Amanda, Laurie, Anthony, Julia, me, Amanda’s face, Ali, Matt, CB, Rob

Coll & RandyAwww I miss Princess Cupcake Assface Randy.

DivasAmanda, Ali, me, Julia – half the Divas are 25 now!

Claudio, Bobby, Amanda CClaudio-face, Bobby, me, Pookie. I am starting to look drunk.

Media Junkyard StoutThe Media Junkyard boys came too.  The picture is on my sister’s camera but they bought me a little chocolate cake dessert from the bar & put a candle it in for everyone to sing Happy Birthday to me.  Awesome, huh?

Pookie Gar StoutWith Pookie & Gar <3

Ian bday kissMy birthday buddy Ian gets a birthday kiss and appears horrified.

With Ian birthdayNow he’s all smiles 🙂

Ian storm trooperDid I mention that Ian also turned 25 yesterday?!

From the family celebration 2/8/09:

With StriderHe made it for my birthday 🙂 and he better make it for like 30 more of them!

Misspelled Birthday CakeApparently it’s my ‘birlhday’…

Family shotFamily portrait with Mom, Dad, & Strider

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