Zoe thinks Katness’ name is “Catnip” too

So one of my goals for 2011 was to read more.  I read a lot the second half of 2010 (finally finished every last Temperance Brennan novel last weekend!) and I wanted to keep it up, this time reading more of the fantasy series that have been big lately.  My sisters strongly recommended The Hunger Games trilogy and I’m intrigued by the Percy Jackson books despite knowing very little about them.  Those were my starting points.  Anyway, I’m on the second book in the Hunger Games series, Catching Fire.  Zoe sits with me (aka sits with the space heater) while I read but maybe she needs glasses or something.  She’s way too into this book 😉


Does anyone else out there have any suggestions for books or series for me to check out?  I like Fantasy and I like mysteries.

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