Check Out “The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Body Image” FREE

Happy Sunday, everyone!  My parents are in town right now and it’s been so crazy busy at work that my “creative time” aka blogging time has suffered.  I’m just so pooped by the end of the day!  Anyway, I’ll be back on track after Tuesday.  Today, I just wanted to share with you a book written by my dear friend Anne-Sophie Reinhardt.  It’s called “The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Body” and is a free Kindle download on Amazon today and tomorrow (September 16 & September 17, 2012).

For those of you who don’t know who Anne-Sophie is, I met her through the LOST community.  Last year, she began treatments for a severe eating disorder and has inspirationally worked towards not only her recovery, but towards helping other women and men who are trying to break free from their eating disorders.  This book is not just for those recovering from an eating disorder, but rather a tool for anyone who feels self-conscious about their body image in general.  The description on Amazon reads:

It does not matter if you are overweight, underweight or anywhere in between, you can always benefit from radically falling in love with your body and this is exactly what this guide will help you to do.

You will find unique ways of thinking about your body, your value and your worth as a person and you will be able to implement these tips and tricks in your own life in order to work towards a more powerful you!

In this guide, you will learn a lot about yourself and about the way your thoughts and your behaviors make you feel bad about your appearance. You will also learn how to take action and change everything you believe about yourself

This guide will help in your relationships with others and yourself and it will even be extremely beneficial in your career!

You don’t have to lose a single pound, nor do you have to conform to society’s limited standards in order to fall in love with your body, live according to your true potential and show your inner brilliance.

This guide will get you there, step by step.”

Check it out over the next two days if you’re interested.  It’s so amazing how she turned such a negative thing into such a positive.  I’m so proud to call Anne-Sophie my friend and she helped contribute her story to my own book that I’m working on [PS You still can too if you want!].
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