The Hobbit Trailer & Dina Lohan on Dr. Phil

Whewwww.  I survived another fun yet busy work event yesterday!  I’m about to relax and watch the new season of Survivor, but I had to check in here first real quick.  My parents were here this past weekend and it was awesome!  More on that in a post within the next couple days.  My work event sorta monopolized my brain for the past week, so it’s nice to have a day to just reorganize my thoughts before the next big event in two weeks.  For today, I just figured I would share two fantastic pieces of video entertainment that I’ve caught up on.

First, we have the new trailer for The Hobbit.  Squee! I’m so excited.  Going to have to do a reread before the first part comes out:

Second, I finally got to finish watching Dr. Phil’s interview with Dina Lohan. So this is what a real life sociopath looks like. De.Lus.Ion.Al. If you have 45 minutes, enjoy. Actually, watch it in 10 minute increments like I did. Then you can make the magic last.

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