Weekend Recap

Happy Monday.  It’s Veteran’s Day observed so a lot of businesses are closed, which made for a nice, traffic-free drive into work this morning.  The weather is supposed to be a gorgeous 72 degrees today – lucky for all those people who do have off!  We also had super nice weather this past weekend.  I went for a walk yesterday in shorts and a tank top.  It was so lovely and relaxing.  I think I actually did enough this weekend to warrant a post recapping it.

Jay worked on Friday night til 11:00 pm, so I took a Pure Barre class right after work.  When I got home, I started working on a project that  pretty much consumed the rest of my evening.  Jay’s sister broke up with her boyfriend last week and mentioned that she was looking for new music to listen to, so I had told her that I’d make her a playlist filled with awesome music that she hasn’t heard before.  I figured the entire thing would take me an hour, but it ended up taking around 3 hours and I’m STILL tweaking it.  I even hand wrote out a listing of each track, describing how I related to the song, why I loved it, and how it helped me get through something.  I put some hardcore elbow grease into this playlist.  In the end, it’s probably going to be three playlists.  I managed to get it down to 86 songs from 126, but she wants them burned to a CD, so the issue was keeping each list under 80 minutes.  Because she had told me, “Taylor Swift has the best breakup songs,” my intention was to introduce her to some “real” music.  In my opinion, if you’re going to go through a tough period in life, you have to do it with Alanis, Fiona, Tori, Ani, and Sarah by your side.  I was really surprised when the first CD ended up being as “tame” as it was.  I figured I’d ease her into it, haha, so the more “angry” songs are on Playlist #2.  By the time Jay got home from work at 11:30 pm, I was just about finished with Playlist #1.

I hit a snag trying to finalize what will be on Playlists #2 & #3 because little Miss Zoe decided to chew through her second MacBook power chord in 3 months.  YUP.  I only had #1 finished when the damage was discovered and my computer wasn’t charging at the time, so until I got a new power chord yesterday, I was unable to use my computer on Saturday.  That was rough, let me tell you.  I will never get used to or prefer using Facebook on my phone.  Thank God for my iPad.  I was conserving the battery all day on Saturday so I could finish & burn the final two playlists before she came over on Saturday night.

On Saturday, I went to Pilates while Jay ran on the treadmill at the gym.  We got smoothies after our workout then headed home to do a last-minute full-apartment clean-up before his sister came over.  After cleaning, we went to the movies to see see Skyfall.  It was awesome; I highly recommend it.  After the movie, we went to Cinelli’s to have a little Italian food for dinner.  We were winding down to get back home by 8:00 pm for Jay’s sister to arrive when he texted her to make sure she was still coming.  Turns out she wasn’t coming anymore.  I was bummed out because I had really been excited about passing on some of “my” music to someone the same way it had been passed on to me.  Oh, well.  I was thinking about maybe doing a blog post version of my handwritten pages (there’s 6 total right now and that’s only for the first one).  Then again, some of it’s personal, so perhaps it’s for the best that no one ever sees them.  I have to think about it.

After we got back on Saturday evening, we caught up with some TV (The LeagueBlue Bloods) and watched the first half of Saturday Night Live before going to bed.  I think Saturday night was the first time we both slept straight through the night until about 7am when I woke up to use the bathroom.  “It was like a NyQuil sleep without the NyQuil,” was how Jay described it.  I’m fairly certain that even Zoe slept straight through, because she was in the exact same spot at 7:00 am as she was when I’d fallen asleep and she looked dazed when I moved to get up (she was sleeping up against me).

Jay worked 10:00 am-7:00 pm yesterday, so I was on my own for the day.  I left at about 11:00 am to go for a walk and ended up walking around for almost 3 hours.  It was just so beautiful out.  I also met Jay at the mall for lunch and picked up my new power chord.  I think we’re going to buy tubing to protect this new one from Zoe’s teeth.  I also went grocery shopping.  Exciting, I know.  I finally got home at 4:30 pm and started on laundry.  I then sat down for about an hour and watched some of the 25th Anniversary Concert of Les Miserables.

After I’d have my musical theatre fix, I decided to start on a project that I’d seen on Pinterest: Homemade laundry detergent.  I made it last night, but it has to sit for 24 hours, so I’ll use it on my final load of laundry tonight.  I’m really excited to see how it turned out and yes, I will 100% be doing a blog post on it tomorrow.  I already took some pictures.  After Jay got home from work, we ate dinner and brought up the Les Mis concert again and played through some of it for him.  He was a good sport and never complained.  We finished the night by watching Homeland.  All in all, a good weekend and I wish it didn’t have to end.

How was your weekend?

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