Of Graduations & Podcasts

Busy busy weekend for me this past weekend.  Actually, it was a busy week, filled with a lot of restaurant dining, haha.  It was a busy week, but a really fun week.  Last Saturday, Sunday, and Monday we celebrated our second wedding anniversary.  On Wednesday, May 1, we took Jay’s parents out to dinner at a local Italian restaurant called Bella Monica to celebrate his mom’s birthday.  The four of us had a really fun time and the food was great, as always.  Happy Birthday, MIL!

The rest of the week was filled with family and graduation fun.  Jay’s sister Heather graduated from college on Saturday, May 4.  On Thursday, Grandma Bev (Jay’s grandmother) got into town, so Jay & I met up with his family for dinner again.  This time, it was at Ruby Tuesday’s.  It was nice to get to see and start to catch up with Grandma Bev, who we haven’t seen since we stayed at her home in San Diego back in February.  We all headed to UNC Pembroke after work on Friday to stay overnight since we had to be at the school early in the morning.  We met up at the Cracker Barrel in Lumberton, NC (the town over) for another family dinner.  Can I just say now that I freaking love Cracker Barrel?  I don’t know why or what it is; I think part of why I love it is that reminds me of the country version of Friendly’s or something, haha.

The graduation was on Saturday.  Jay, Cyndi, and I got there earlier than everyone else to save seats.  It was really cold and rainy, but still super exciting, so I couldn’t complain.  After the graduation was over, we headed back to Raleigh for a celebratory late lunch/early dinner at our favorite Raleigh hibachi joint, Kanki.  Yes, there were sake bombs!

My Sunday was filled with podcasting.  I was lucky enough to be invited to be a guest host on episodes of both “The Chatter Box” and “The Tribe.”  I recorded the 21st episode of The Chatter Box in the late morning.  Mike, Michaela, Rob, and I had a lot of fun and hung out to talk over Skype for another hour after we were done recording.  I went for a quick walk after we were finished, watched a Season 5 episode of Mad Men (I’m trying to get caught up) and then headed out to Jay’s parents house for a family dinner.  Jack made hot dogs and hamburgers and as was the theme of the past week, I ate way too much.  Trying to get back to a normal eating pattern this week is going to be rough, haha.  After dinner, I headed back home to record The Tribe with John and Adam.  Again, good times were had by all.  I’m really glad that I got to be a part of The Tribe one last time before they finish doing regular weekly shows.

All in all, I had a great weekend.  Next weekend should be a lot of fun, too.  I’m going back home to Long Island for Mother’s Day.  I’ll have more on that next week, but for now, here’s a picture of the Raleigh chapter of the Glatfelter clan from Heather’s graduation day.


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