Quiche Muffins!

So my newest “go to” meal to bake lately has been quiche.  It started because I really wanted bacon, but felt I should be “healthy.”  I spent all summer eating healthy and pretty much eating nothing but fruit, fruit smoothies, egg white omelets, and gummy bears, haha, so I’ve been splurging a lot in the calorie intake department now that bathing suit season is officially over.  Jeans season has begun, though, so I’m probably going to regret my non-stop bread-and-chocolate-party a week from now, but whatever.

ANYWAY, I decided that I wanted to make quiche because I’ve always loved it.  There’s a caterer who comes to my office building and makes these little quiche muffins, so I wanted to mimic those.  Jay is not the world’s biggest quiche fan, so I also figured that if I made it look more appetizing and easier to grab ‘n eat, he’d be more willing to eat it.  Throw a little Frank’s Red Hot on it if you’re not too keen on egg taste or think that quiche can be a little dry, and you’re good to go.



  • Muffin tray
  • 6 eggs (makes about 6-8 regular-sized muffins, give or take)
  • Fresh baby spinach
  • Shredded cheese of your choice (I used mozzarella)
  • Bacon (for the sake of ease, I used the Market Pantry pre-cooked bacon that you throw in the microwave)
  • 1/2 a cup of heavy cream
  • Seasonings of your choice (I throw in salt & pepper and a touch of garlic)


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 375°
  2. Whisk the eggs in a bowl
  3. Add in the shredded cheese, bacon (cooked), heavy cream, spinach, and seasonings.  Mix ’em all together.  You can cook or lightly saute the spinach first if you want.
  4. Divide evenly among the muffin tray
  5. Bake for 18-25 minutes, give or take however fast or slow your oven is.  Keep in eye on them.
  6. Enjoy!

*If you want to print this, you can do it with the button below and it won’t include the pictures.

Step 3:


Step 4:


Step 5:


Step 6:


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