31 Weeks!

Jay and I had Baby G’s 31 week check-up on Thursday, April 10. We got a lot of info, probably the most info we’ll get until he is born thanks to the surprise ultrasound we had. Back during my 20 week appointment, the ultrasound tech discovered that I had a marginal placenta previa, which basically means that the placenta was just touching the opening of my cervix. Marginal previas tend to correct themselves as your uterus expands, so I wasn’t put on any kind of restricted activity. I was merely told to watch to see if I had any bleeding and they’d follow up with it around 32 weeks. My appointments got pushed back a week at some point, so instead of having them at weeks 28, 30, 32, 34, etc., they are on weeks 29, 31, 33, etc. Since no one told us at the 29 week appointment that we’d be having an ultrasound at 31 weeks, we figured it would be at 33 weeks. To our surprise, they asked us if we wanted it last week or if we wanted to wait until the next appointment. We jumped at the chance to see our son again.

Like most people, I’m pretty sure that Baby G already prefers Jay over me, haha. For example, he had his hand over his face during the ultrasound. The technician told us to shake my belly a little bit to try to get him to move his hand. I put my hand where the bottom half of his body was and Jay put his hand near the top half, by where she was holding the ultrasound wand. He did a little nudging and urged him to move his hand. He didn’t move his hand, but he did move his body directly towards where Jay’s hand was. The tech had to adjust her position on my belly because of it! He’ll also move for his daddy whenever Jay puts his hands on my stomach when we’re chilling at home. It’s so adorable.

Speaking of Baby G having his hand up over his face, I noticed a pattern while looking at all of the ultrasound pictures we have of him. I made a little collage:


He must really like straight chilling in that position. If he does it after he is born, expect an updated collage with a fourth picture, haha. I think that is so neat that even in the womb, we each tend to develop our own little habits. How cool is that?!

Finally, big, big thanks to my friend Sue for sending me some of her maternity clothes! Sue was an adorable preggo last year and I’m so excited that she sent me some of her adorable preggo clothing. I don’t know about anyone else, but for me, shopping for maternity clothing sucks and I can’t express enough how amazing it was to have all this cute clothing that magically fits me appear at my doorstep yesterday, haha. I’m wearing a combination of maternity and regular clothes. I bought pants from Target, H&M, Old Navy, & Kohl’s. Maternity clothes can get expensive, though, so for everything else, I’ve been hitting up consignment stores and wearing looser shirts that I already owned. I found this awesome store called Kid to Kid, which sells both lightly worn second hand clothing and off-price clothing (same as TJ Maxx or Marshall’s) from name brands for super cheap. They buy back the second hand clothing, so unlike going to Goodwill, everything is in great condition and you can’t tell it’s been previously worn.  As for my own non-maternity clothing, I’ve always been a fan of the empire waist style for shirts and dresses, so those are coming in very handy for me now.

Anyway, the rest is condensed below in bullet points and then there’s a couple bump pictures.  I can’t believe we are almost done with 7 months. On Saturday, we’ll have only eight more weeks until my due date. AAAAHHHHH WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY IN 6-10 WEEKS!!

Stats & Tidbits:

  • Baby G weighs approximately 3lbs, 14 oz – so just about 4lbs already!
  • He already has over an inch of hair! I added organic baby hair gel to the Amazon Registry, lol.
  • At 30 weeks, 5 days, he was measuring 31 weeks, 4 days – a week ahead! We’d read that babies tend to hit growth spurts during that 31-32 week mark and since last week, I was constantly hungry and feeling sick and exhausted for three straight days (I even fell asleep at my desk last Tuesday…), we had already guessed he was going through a growth spurt, so he could have just hit that one early.
  • Weight gain: 1lb in between the 29 and 31 week appointments, for a total of 18lbs.
  • I ate like crap during the weekend of the charity podcast and we ate leftovers for the week after it. I did horribly with my iron diet; my levels went from 10.9 down to 9.5. So, I’m back on the spinach salad and hard boiled eggs.
  • The crib will be here tonight and the dresser is available for us to pick up as soon as we get around to renting a truck to pick it up. Hooray! Eeeeek, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A CRIB SET UP BY THE END OF THIS WEEK!!


Both of these were taken on Tues., April 15 at 31 weeks, 3 days (so, almost done with 7 months). I’m wearing one of the shirts that Sue sent me. I think my bump is more defined if you look at me head on, so there’s a frontal and side picture. Woot.



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