Her name was Sheba

Sorry for a second sad post in a row. I just wanted to give an update on the dog that Jay & I found on Friday. Then, onto happier things. On Saturday evening, Jay and I got confirmation of not-Harvey’s identity. The woman who had been misidentified as her foster parent sent us a text of a screen cap fro a Facebook group asking us if to confirm that the dog in the post was the same dog that we tried to save. It was. Her name was Sheba, and she had been missing for almost a week when she was hit. This is the post:


I searched around in the group and found the initial post by her owner.



I reached out on both posts and offered to give her family whatever information they wanted to know about that afternoon. I hope we can give them a little bit of peace. We would want someone to do the same if the situation were reversed.

Anyway, hope everyone had a nice long holiday weekend. Friday was rough, but the rest of the weekend was awesome. I’ll post more on that this week.


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