Happy 1-2-21!

Helloooo! I’m here! I’m glad that you are too! Happy New Year!

I know it’s been a while, but I have been wanting to get back to blogging more frequently. I wish I could say that I have been doing great big things that have kept me busy, but truth be told, I’ve had other outlets (The Broadcast, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to share things on and anything else, I no longer felt like I had any authority on or interesting/exciting way to say it. Plus, kids, work, life, and the amount of time/effort that goes into editing The Broadcast each week had me worn out and feeling otherwise stretched thin. (Don’t worry, I’ve had other hobbies; I started Geocaching in April 2019 and have gotten really into solving puzzles to find coordinates, I go for 5+-mile walks/hikes to relax, and I still try to be crafty.)

Over the last year or so, I’ve stopped checking Facebook as much and I’m rarely on Instagram nowadays. I was spending an unhealthy amount of time on Political Twitter and it was making me angry, so I’ve been taking a little break from that too. Thanks to the pandemic, we haven’t done a whole lot to have many personal stories to share on The Broadcast and honestly, I think the show is much better off (and easier to edit) without my stupid rambling and taking too long to get to the point. There’s also an element of the older I get and the older my kids get, I realize that I don’t always have to say what I’m thinking or share every little detail about everything.

Anyways, I’d like to try to get back into blogging in 2021. I have some of those writing prompt challenge books that I’ve acquired over the years in an attempt to get back on the horse and I’ve been jotting down ideas here and there. I can’t promise I’ll blog as frequently as I used to, but I am going to try to hold myself accountable to blog more this year. Even if no one reads them, I’ll have things for myself to look back on, like I sometimes do with recipes I’ve posted in years past or even to remember a story or event I shared, haha.

Zachary (Zachy) and Alex (Lexi) are getting so big now. Zachary is six and in first grade. Alex is going to be three next month, although you’d think he was going to be 15. They may look a lot alike, they’ve got very different personalities. Zachy is really creative, smart, and caring and loves to build things. Lexi is goofy, tough, and clever and loves to play with action figures and toys. They’re both such loving little boys. I’m so proud of them. I love them so much and I love watching their relationship with each other grow.

On that note, it’s late and I have to get up early tomorrow for a long day. I will leave you for now with a picture taken in late November.

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