The Broadcast Ep. 5.25 “Bloopers and Outtakes 5”

I promise I won’t cheat by only posting Broadcast stuff on here, but I did want to share that the bloopers & outtakes from the first half of Season 5 are out on The Broadcast’s feed. I changed up the usual format of how I do them this year and added one section that I really enjoy, haha.  My next post won’t be podcast-related, I promise!

If you do want to check this episode out, you can listen to the latest episode below or via jayandjack.comiTunesSpreakerSpotifyStitcherGoogle Podcasts, etc. You may have better luck searching for us as “The Broadcast with Amanda, Shandy, and Colleen” since there are a few other shows called The Broadcast.

As always, happy listening, and thanks for listening!

Listen to “Ep. 5.25 “Bloopers and Outtakes 5″” on Spreaker.

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