Colleen pimps her new, paying blog gig on her newer, non-paying blog.

Word up, homeys?

Here’s the link for the website that I started writing for yesterday:

Everyone check it out daily; I have to make like 3 or 4 posts a day (though we all know how much I love making fun of famous people, so I’m sure that I’ll end up doing more haha). I get paid based on the revenue the site takes in, which is based on how many people read it sooooo everyone try to get here as much as possible! Tell everyone (family, friends, MCCTA, coworkers, perfect strangers, your bank teller, the korean woman who does your nails, the 16 year old kid who bags your groceries at Shoprite, etc) wooooo. Leave comments or something. It’ll be just like at school all over again, just minus the 12 million US Weekly’s and Entertainment Weekly’s laying around. But yes, if everyone could at least visit the site whenever possible, I’d really appreciate it.

P.S. Check out Anthony’s show – If you get the NY Post, there’s a sweet write up on it!

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