Of North Carolina, Moby & Reunions

Okay, so. Saturday night. I’ve done basically nothing all day but clean and read and watch TV. I went to bed at 5:30pm last night because I had a bit of a migraine. My head hurt for most of today, but it feels much better. I’m going out to the Upper West Side in an hour to meet up with Eddie, Anthony, and whoever else for a little Marist reunion.

So I was in North Carolina last week, from Tuesday, November 27 – Sunday, December 2. Luckily, I had a relatively smooth airport experience both ways. I’m a rockstar for getting a week and a half off from work. *Pats self on the back.* Got lots of Christmas shopping done before I left, which is gooooood.

Got in around noon on the 27th and Clif picked me up. We chilled for the entire day: got some food and then walked around in downtown Raleigh and visited the Museum of Natural Sciences and the Museum of History. Then we hit up the mall for a bit and met Jay back at Clif’s apartment. All in all, a really really fun day 🙂
After dinner with Jay’s fam at the infamous Ruby Tuesday, we headed back to University of North Carolina at Pembroke where Jay goes to school. Hung out there all week, watched the entire first season of Veronica Mars and the movie Children of Men. Friday night we went back to Raleigh and went to this little indie venue called the Brewery to see the singer of Jay’s old band perform with his new band. We got back at like 2am & had to get up at 5am because Jay had to work from 6am-10ish (he keeps score for hockey games). Saturday night we went to this burger joint where we had our first unofficial date in April & then to the movies to see August Rush. It was a really sappy chick flick, so naturally I loved it & cried at the end. We stayed up til like 2:30am after the movie because we had to finish Veronica Mars before I left, which was probably not the best of plans since I had to be up at 6am to get to the airport by 7am because I had an 8am flight.

Waaaaaaay too early on Saturday morning at the Iceplex. Like 7am too early. Like you can see the dark circles under our eyes too early.

All in all, it was really great: relaxing, nice to just do normal couple things that we never get to do because of the distance. So naturally, I’ve been sulking all week about having to be back in New York.
So anyway, we had our office Christmas party on Thursday night at a bar called Hi-Fi. It was actually incredibly fun. Afterwards, Max, Jeff, and I trekked all the way to Chelsea to a nightclub called Hiro, where Moby was spinnin’. Yeah, I’m not really a big fan of Moby, to be honest, but it was still cool. Jeff pushed me up on stage when he came out, so I took pictures from like a foot away to put up on StarkedNY. So click on that if you’re a fan of Moby or if you want to see the pictures for shits & giggles. I got home after 3am though, so I was a bit of a zombie yesterday but surprisingly not really hungover at all. Then again, we were sober by the time we got to Hiro, since the open bar on the boss ended as soon as we left the office party ha.
Okay, it’s 9:45pm and I need to go get ready to leave here soon. Peace out cub scouts!
This entry was posted in Clif Armstrong, Jay Glatfelter, NC Adventures, STARKED NYC, Weekend, Work. Bookmark the permalink.