That Time I Didn’t See Mos Def Followed By That Time I Saw The New Pornographers

It’s been a busy busy few days. Monday night I was invited to see Mos Def & Justice perform at the Bowery Ballroom for Fader magazine and Cornerstone Mixtape’s 150 party. I wasn’t allowed a plus one, unfortunately. Though I pretend like I had the greatest time when I wrote about it for Starked NY (that’s how I was invited), it was NOT that much fun. I started out bored, then made a “friend” in this woman who was there by herself bc she worked with one of the sponsors til I lost her after I went to the bathroom. Then I spent the next like 3 hours by myself and did that thing you do when you make yourself miserable by harping on the fact that you’re the only person there without ANYONE to talk to. I saw most of Justice but was cold and it was getting late and I was just getting progressively more pissed off in general that I left a little after midnight, before Mos Def came on (though I read on Brooklyn Vegan that he didn’t come on til like 1am). It really would have been fun if I had someone there with me that I knew. Justice wasn’t bad but the indie band that opened (White Williams) really wasn’t that great. Some guy who worked for Fader, who was taking video and pictures, told me he saw them at CMJ this year and they were much better, but who knows?

At least it was sponsored by Southern Comfort, so the entire night was open bar and only of SoCo, Jack Daniel’s, and Budweiser Select. So that was fun to entertain/feed into my feelings of self-pity for a little while til my rational side kicked in and reminded me that walking down Delancey really late at night, drunk and alone, was definitely one of the DUMBEST things that I could do, so I cut myself off at like 10:30pm before I could even get a good buzz.

Last night, Amanda & I skipped out on this Women’s In Music event at the Chelsea Hotel in order to head to the Apple store in Soho to see The New Pornographers. It was fun but the acoustics from where we were standing weren’t so great, so it was hard to hear the vocals at points. However, I must say that Neko Case is really pretty in person (at least I think so), even if her hair isn’t quite as red as it is in all the promo pictures, haha.

Here’s the setlist:

1. All of the Things That Go To Make Heaven and Earth
2. Use It
3. All the Old Showstoppers
4. Challengers
5. My Rights Versus Yours
6. Adventures in Solitude
7. The Laws Have Changed
8. Unguided
9. Don’t Bring Me Down (ELO cover)
Encore: Bleeding Heart Show

I took a video of them singing “My Rights Versus Yours,” but it’s not the best of quality. Pictures and the video are also posted on Starked NY (can you tell that I’m trying to get as many page hits as possible on it nowadays. I realized the mo’ hits, the mo’ money, the mo’ I have for plane tickets to North Carolina, so support a lovesick gal and freaking refresh that shit every hour on the hour. I don’t really care for writing about celebs much anymore but $$$$$ & xoxo is a helluva motivation.)

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