Hopefully the Last Dog Post I’ll Make For A While

I have something else coming later that is completely and totally unrelated to the dog issues, but I figured I’d finish up yakking about the dog first since it’ll take me less time.  Basically, he was pretty worn down still last night from everything when my mom, dad, Katelyn (sister) and I went to visit him.  One of his most important heart medications is making him sick, but he needs it or else he’ll go into heart failure again – so it’s sorta a Catch-22, but he hasn’t vomited since yesterday morning (knock on wood) and he ate half his food tonight off of my dad’s hands and my hands.

Thanks again so very much to everyone who left so many nice, encouraging and thoughtful messages. I hope this is the last time I have to talk about the dog’s health problems for a while lol, so fingers crossed. Oh and he apparently rebelled overnight and started trying to turn on his IV catheter and had to wear this:


I wanted to leave tomorrow more than anything since I’m now 5 days behind schedule, but my parents asked me to stay one more day. I hate yet again postponing something I’ve been waiting to do for months, but I’ve stuck it out this long. Video after the jump if you want to see the difference between him from Mon night to this morning.

Here is the change from around 7:30pm last night (Monday 2/16) to around 9:30am this morning (Tuesday 2/17).  He’s obviously got a lot more energy and is mega-pissed to not have been home in almost 5 days:

Monday (taken from my cell phone):

Tuesday (I got smart and brought my camera):

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