Comic Con 2009 Preview Night

So yesterday was Day 1 of San Diego Comic Con 2009 aka Preview Night.  Woot.  After Jay & I picked up our rental car (an oh-so-hot PT Cruiser), we made a much anticipated stop at In N Out Burger in Mission Valley.  There, we (me, Jay, Jana & Clif) met up with Ryan & Jen Ozawa from the Transmission podcast and Alirio “I Have Free Health Care in Canada” of PauseCast.

We got our badges at about 2pm and then sat around the Convention Center outside Ballroom 20 for 4 hours until the doors opened for the Exhibit Hall at 6pm.  I wanted to get a Benjamin Linus Bobble Head doll but by the time I got over there after my stop at the Diamond Toys booth to pick up Stay Puft Marshmellow Man limited edition banks for Jay, Derek, and Kim, the line was too long and I wanted to go up and see the previews for V (looks awesome) and The Vampire Diaries (craptastic-minus-the-tastic-until-Boone-gets-on-45-mins-into-it).  Afterwards, we hit up some local bar for food/drinks with friends like Chris in Boston & friends, Adam of the Randy Rando Randonopolis podcast, Desiree in Pensicola, Alirio and Michael the Friendly Communist.  Good times, good times.

Video and pictures below:





Ryan & Jen at In N Out


Jack, Clif, me, and Jay with Jay & Jack listener UKJay aka @jhewlett


Some random boys causing trouble.


Jen, JOpinionated, me, Jay, Jack, Clif, Alirio, Adam


Jay, Stuart, & Adam going to see the “V” screening


haha, I <3 Stuart


A motley crue


Adam and Chris in Boston

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