take a sad song and make it better

I don’t want to be too depressing or seem silly for bringing this up but today is a sad anniversary for me (and my family) so I just want to acknowledge a very special family member who was a part of our lives for 10 years and a part of our hearts forever.  R.IP. Strider.

I tend to focus on sad or depressing things in life sometimes because I’m a very sensitive person but tonight & I are having engagement party #1 for all of our podcasting friends who are coming to town for the 30 Hour Podcast for Autism Speaks.  This was originally planned as a co-birthday party since we didn’t do anything for my birthday and Jay’s birthday is next week.  The main reason it was planned was because I wanted to do something fun and celebratory today so I would have a reason to be excited instead of sad.  That turned into the engagement party after we got engaged.  It worked because I can’t wait for tonight.  Pictures to follow tomorrow!


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