Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth

[Note: I made a kick ass playlist for cleaning which means that I’ll probably do that song quote thing I do for the titles of the next few blog posts.  Play along in the comments if you can guess the song in the title.]

If someone had told me at Sara & TJ’s wedding on September 5, 2009 that I would be starting my own wedding registry up exactly one year later, I would have laughed at them.  But that’s exactly what I did today.  Jay and I went to a store (sorry, we didn’t finish scanning everything we wanted so I’m not going to say which store yet!) today to start our wedding registry and damn, it’s a tedious process that involves way too much thinking haha.  I did finally update our wedding website, though.  I announced our wedding party, which you can find here:  I’m going to be doing a lot more updating to it over the next few days and going to try to do it regularly.

I started working out again this weekend, which so far doesn’t really feel very productive lol but I’ll get back into it.  I wish that weekends and holiday weekends lasted longer because I could use more than 3 days off from work now that I’ve gotten into being super productive.  In addition to working out and starting our registry, I did more research on finding a wedding band – more on that saga later – and cleaned the entire kitchen last night.  Anyway, tonight, I wanted to start on the bathroom, but I bought a shoe rack for the back of my door today and that was going to be my project instead.  Annoyingly, my closet door is smaller than a normal sized door and the freaking thing wouldn’t close right once I put shoes on it.  I was frustrated beyond belief and took the whole thing apart and am going to just return it and go back to messy closet.  Needless to say, I wasn’t in the mood for any more home grunt work after that and decided to start updating the wedding website instead.  I’ll just clean everything else while Jay is at work tomorrow.  I’m hoping I also get some time to read my book by the pool, too.  Last few weekends of fun in the sun are upon us 🙁

On a random note, I was watching old Apple keynotes with Jay before and I have to say that Steve Jobs is an excellent speaker.  I didn’t really get bored once.  It was fascinating to watch the announcement for the original iPod from back in like 2001 or whatever it was.  I must say, I enjoyed it.

Another random note.  I realized this weekend that I really miss podcasting.  My old roommate Amanda (of Metrobuzz’s Rooftop Sessions) had floated around the idea of us doing a podcast a few months ago and my friend Sara and I have joked around about doing a female version of the Married Man Show because Sara is super entertaining and gives great advice in general.  Ah, well.

Final random note.  Jay’s been watching the first half of Season 1 of Glee and this show was WAY better the first half.  I hope that Season 2 is more like the first half of 1.  I’d really hate to see Glee go the route of Nip/Tuck post Season 3 because that would make me really sad.

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