The Art of Face Mapping

Last month, my sister sent me a link to an article about acne and the science of face mapping.  Face mapping is the practice of using the placement of acne on your face to diagnose underlying causes or problems internally.  I’m not a doctor, so I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking that this is the end all be all truth, but I thought it was interesting and figured I’d share it with everyone.  As for as for me, personally, I tend to break out on my forehead (which I always thought was from hormones and having bangs), upper lip area, and the middle of my chin.  If you follow the “map,” it makes sense that are trouble spots for the digestive system and stomach.

Anyway, here’s a picture of a Face Map.  In addition to the link above, this website has some really great, detailed tips for treating the acne and the inflicted body part.  Men: This also applies to you too!  I’ve summarize the map/body parts/tips.  Hope you find it as interesting as I do!

1 & 2: Digestive System — Get on an earlier sleep schedule; step up your water intake; eat less processed and junk foods; drink less soda and carbonated beverages; get outdoor exercise; reduce the amount of fat in your diet; practice relaxation techniques for reduce stress and worry; chew food better to help aid in digestion.

3: Liver — Cut out the alcohol and smoking; Cut out greasy food and dairy; Avoid overly strenuous exercise; Avoid “rich” foods such as butter and cheese; Get adequate amount of sleep; Stay away from late night snacks; This is the zone where food allergies also show up first, so take a look at ingredients.

4 & 5: Kidneys & Gallbladder — Drink more water for help with dehydration; Eat less processed, junk, and fast foods; Reduce unhealthy fat; Eat “cooling” foods like melon or cucumbers.

6: Heart — Check blood pressure and Vitamin B levels; Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B; Decrease intake of spicy or pungent foods like garlic; Eat less meat; Cut down on salt intake; Get more fresh air; Exercise daily; Replace “bad” fats with “good” fats such as Omegas 3 and 6 (nuts, avocados, fish, flax seed); Massage area around nose for better circulation; Don’t wear expired or skin-clogging make-up.

7 & 8: Kidneys — Increase water intake; Cut down on aerated drinks, coffee, and alcohol.

9: Respiratory System — Sleep between 1-3 AM when the liver is strongest; Try to avoid difficult work between 1-5 PM when the liver is weakest; Rest eyes for 5 minutes every hour in the afternoon; Maintain a normal daily routine; Stop smoking; Avoid allergens; Keep the body more alkaline by avoiding foods such as meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, sugar that make the body acidic and add more alkalizing foods like green veggies and wheatgrass juice; Don’t let your body overheat; Eat more “cooling” foods such as melons, cucumbers and green beans; Cut down on junk food and sugar intake; Get more fresh air; Keep a positive mood; Make sure to take time to decompress and relax; Clean cell phones with rubbing alcohol and if you sleep on the left side of the face, change pillow cases often; Keep gums and teeth healthy, as lower left cheek acne could be a sign of poor dental health.

10: Respiratory System — Do aerobic exercise between 7-9 AM when the lung is strongest; Get more fresh air; Stop smoking; Avoid allergens; Avoid “sensitive” foods such as seafood, wine, taro root, and mango; Keep the body more alkaline by avoiding foods such as meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, sugar that make the body acidic and add more alkalizing foods like green veggies and wheatgrass juice; Don’t let your body overheat; Eat more “cooling” foods such as melons, cucumbers and green beans; Cut down on sugar intake; Clean cell phones with rubbing alcohol and if you sleep on the right side of the face, change pillow cases often; Keep gums and teeth healthy, as lower right cheek acne could be a sign of poor dental health.

11 & 12: Hormones — Get adequate amount (7-8 hours) of sleep; Drink a lot of water; Eat leafy vegetables; Keep skin clean; Check for hormonal imbalances; Get a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise daily; Take Omega-3s to help hormone regulation; Reduce stress as much as possible through yoga, meditation, writing, music, etc.  Fun fact: The side of the jaw where you break out indicates when and which side you are ovulating on.

13: Stomach — Get adequate amount (7-8 hours) of sleep; Increase fiber intake; Do not eat before bedtime; Drink a lot of water; Eat more fruits and vegetables; Drink spearmint or herbal tea; Massage your body for relaxation, focusing on the abdomen; Reduce toxin overload; Exercise daily; Check for kidney imbalance; Keep skin clean; Check toothpaste, mouth wash, and chapsticks

14: Illness — Acne in this area can be a sign that your body is fighting bacteria to avoid illness.  Relax through yoga, a nap, or deep breathing; Increase water intake.

Upper Lip Area (Not on this map, but mentioned on other maps) — Indicates constipation or irregular bowels.  Eat more fiber; Cut down on spicy or fried foods; Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in diet; Massage abdominal area in a clockwise motion; Change toothpaste, mouth wash, and/or chapstick.

Dark Circles Under Eyes indicate dehydration.  Drink more water, less booze and soda.

[Source, Source, Source]

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