I Think It’s Time for Us to Have a Toast

nye09-2Wow. New Years Eve 2010.  How the HELL did this happen?  It feels like last week that I was blogging about all the things I could not wait to happen in 2010.  It’s just so crazy how fast a year goes by.  Last NYE, Jay & I went to a party at Anthony Rapp’s apartment in NYC with the awesome Melissa Anelli [Pictures to the right, here, here, here & here].  At the party, she jokingly asked us about getting engaged.  This NYE, I’M GETTING MARRIED IN 119 DAYS!!  It’s so strange when you think back at how much things change (or frustratingly don’t change) over the course of a year.

2010 started with such a burst of activity that the last few months of the year have seemed way too quiet.  I’d like to review & relive some of the highlights of 2010:

JanuarySunset on the Mother-effing Beach in Hawaii.  I never finished blogging the stories of that weekend, including the one in which I got shitfaced with Jeff Fahey.  I wish I could relive that trip over and over again.  It was just such an incredible experience that I was beyond blessed to have been able to attend.

February – I got engaged on February 10 and went to London (!!!) from February 12-20.  COULD FEBRUARY HAVE BEEN MORE AWESOME?! (Sorry for all the links; they basically recap everything.)

March – 30 Hour Podcast for Autism Speaks.  In addition to a fantastically fun weekend with good friends, it ended with this reenactment of the Lost Supper.

April – Over Easter, Jay & I finalized our wedding date: April 29, 2011, the 4th anniversary of the day that we met.  April also brought a Kaki King concert in Chapel Hill and “The Night of Captain Kirk,” which I never blogged about but was one of the most fun nights out ever.

May – Such a bittersweet month, full of endings, full of sorrow and triumph.  I broke my Macbook.  My Aunt Carol passed away on May 14 due to complications from diabetes.  That was just a devastating week.  But May had some bright spots.  We attempted to leave for Los Angeles for the Lost Finale Party on May 21.  Thanks to Delta, we didn’t arrive until the night of May 22.  What an amazing, amazing weekend that I will never forget for the rest of my lifelostfinaleparty-michaelemerson.  I still tear up thinking about how wonderful it was to meet everyone at the Omni & all they did for us May 22.  The entire night of the finale party was SUCH a whirlwind that I wish I could go back and experience it in slow motion.  May 23, 2010 will forever be one of the most amazing nights of my life.  It was also such a strange night because it was the end of the thing that directly led to Jay & I meeting.  What would we all do now that it was over?  Even writing about May 2010 gives me chills.

June – My grandparents’ 55th anniversary party.  Talk about a FUN F*CKING TIME!  All of the tequila/rum/vodka shots that everyone did.  Then to top it off, the Media Junkyard Luau.  Later in June, I picked out my wedding dress!!  Finally, we got our iPads from Jim as a wedding gift, an event that shocked me into speechlessness when I opened them at work haha.  I LOVE MY iPAD!

July – Beach trips/4th of July fun.  The birth of the Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica Trivia Team with Clif, Josh & Sara.  Sarah & Amanda visited me & Sara (a different Sara)!  YAY MARIST ROOMMATES UNITING!  And of course, COMIC CON, my all-time most favorite trip of the entire year.  <3 <3 <3 Comic Con.  And DISNEYLAND!  And our 3rd anniversary!

August – Our engagement party in New York.  Such a kick ass party, even though my bad travel luck took effect with my stupid effing non-working EZ Pass.  We also hosted Heather’s 21st birthday party.

September – Katelyn & Jeremiah #2 finally visited!!  Awesome times at Raleigh Times and The Big Easy.  Holler. The weekend finished up with Lady Gaga at the RBC Center [Side note: One of my resolutions is to finally put the video from that show up!].

October-December – Like I said, the last few months of the year have been way less eventful than the first 9.  We booked our honeymoon in October, which was awesome.  We also attended Pre-Cana, the marriage prep workshop for anyone who wants to get married in the Catholic Church.  I also took a big step in October to finally get my North Carolina Driver’s License, a process that only took 3 trips to the DMV to actually happen.  zoesanta2The only noteworthy thing to happen in November was that I got busted bittorrenting Supernatural episodes (oops).  December has also been fairly quiet (travel problems aside) although one of my favorite things to do this past month has been to turn on all the Christmas lights, light the candles, make a fire and just sit and watch it all.  It brings me such a feeling of content.  I absolutely adore how we decorated the apartment for Christmas.  12/11/10 was also the launch of Jay’s new blog!

So what does 2011 have in store?

To start it off, I’m going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter with my sisters from January 7-10.  I’m also looking forward to seeing Alex‘s “Audibly Lost” featurette come out.  The 4th Annual Autism Speaks Marathon Podcast in March & Comic Con in July will no doubt be a blast.  Christie graduates from Marist College in May.  Oh yeah…and a little thing called JAY AND MY’S WEDDING in April!  Hopefully there will be some other changes and surprises along the way.  I’m even thinking about going back to school this year.  So bring it on, 2011!

Thank you all for putting up with me for yet another year.  I hope 2011 is a kick ass year for each and every one of you. <3

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