Bridal Shower Fun

I went back to Long Island this past weekend to have a hair-style trial and a make-up trial.  The make-up was airbrushed and it looked pretty nifty.  I think I needed to wear blush though and not bronzer.  I didn’t feel my face was well enough defined on anywhere other than my mascara.

Anyways, my mom, sisters and grandma also threw me my bridal shower!!  I was surprised because my mom & dad had separately hinted that we were going to a restaurant but it was just vague enough for me to believe it haha so when I walked into my grandma’s house thinking I was picking up her to take her “out” and going to put some last minute lotion on my legs, I was caught off guard.

It was really nice.  I couldn’t believe just how quickly it went.  I don’t know if it was the white sangria or the socializing but I barely remember anything after opening my gifts and even the gift opening went by so quickly to me (though I’m sure that it wasn’t short to anyone else haha).  I’m so terrified now that the wedding is going to be just as a blur so I decided nothing drinky for me after the toast is over.  I don’t want to miss one single thing on my wedding day.  Almost all of my mom’s family was at the shower, a lot of my dad’s, and a few of my girlfriends.  It was really overwhelming to see how everyone comes together for things like a bridal shower.  I’m so damn lucky to have such a caring family and friends.

Thank you so very much to my amazing mommy, beautiful sisters, and all-around awesome grandma.  I am so damn lucky!

P.S. Thank you shoutout to Jay’s Aunt Cindy for making those awesome necklaces for everyone! I know you read this. Thank you, they were so fun and I took home one of each color 😉

If you’re into seeing a few more pictures and a better picture of my dress, then JUMP.

Pookie, Gar and Amanda represented my friends 🙂

Woot sister Jenny was there too 🙂

My dad did a photo shoot before we left.  Here’s a full length pic of my dress.  I apologize that my face looks so freaking scary/cracked out.

Another from my dad’s photo shoot.  As you can see from how nice it came out, he has a really good camera lol

I put this one in because Jay says its his new favorite picture of me so since he’s the only reason I even get a bridal shower, I figured I’d throw this one in too.

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