Take that, Delta?

Haha. Found this on Craigslist this morning.  Too funny. Why didn’t I think to do this?

(Click to enlarge)

Since our vouchures from our disastrous attempt to get to LA last year expired one year after they were issued (sometime June 2011), we had no choice but to use them or lose them and I wasn’t about to let Delta get away with screwing us over and then not having to actually compensate us.  So I used them to help us book our honeymoon tickets.  We flew Delta back home from Mexico because I figured it was better to get stuck on vacation than not get there at all lol.  It worked out well for us because it saved us $400 out of a $1000+ total airfare each way, but too bad I didn’t think to try to sell ’em and not have to fly Delta at all!

What do you think? Genius, opportunistic, or bitter Delta flyer?  I think I’m going for a combination of all three.

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