Forgive my absence…

…but I have just been a little overwhelmed trying to get into a routine balancing work, school, lots and lots of homework, and physical fitness.

Here is a cute picture of Zoe trying to sit in my shoe as though it were a box as an attempt to make it up to you!


Physical fitness and blogging has lost out on the daily time race, but I am doing my best to try to get back into a healthy routine.  Working out and blogging have always been my “thing” that made me feel good about myself and I have to confess that not incorporating them into my daily life the past 3 weeks has really made me feel somewhat down in the dumps.  I don’t feel in shape anymore and my clothes feel tighter, which makes me feel depressed.  I don’t have a creative outlet without my blog, so I feel like a dull, boring girl.  I have half-finished all my Comic Con posts and several other posts.  I can start them but never have time to go back and finish them and it’s just frustrating.  But this too shall pass!  I’m really excited to be starting out as a rotating host on Media Junkyard.  I do miss podcasting and I had a blast on Tuesday night recording over Skype/UStream with Kolkie, Rob, and Boston.  I’ll be on every few weeks, so if you want to listen, head over to iTunes and subscribe if you don’t already do so 🙂

Okay, I’d love to chat more but I need to go post a Jay and Jack podcast on their PLUS feed, shower, and go to sleep.

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