Obligatory 9-10-11 Post

I know you all probably thought I’d forget about my obsessive compulsive need to blog on days that numerically make sense each year, but I didn’t!  So what’s going on? WELL…

My life has been consumed with doing schoolwork lately.  Yesterday, things finally just “clicked” while I was doing homework and ever since that moment, I have just felt so relieved!  I know that there’s going to be a lot more assignments over the next few months that are going to make me want to pull my hair out, but as Matt Nathanson said, it’s the little victories.

Other than homework, I haven’t been doing a whole lot, to be honest.  I know I whined a few days ago that I’ve gained some weight from classes interrupting my gym going, but I also feel better about that now.  I bought a kettlebell and downloaded some exercises for using it.  I also had a fantastic workout this morning AND walked to the library at Meredith College today, which is exactly 53 minutes away (I’m guessing about 3.5 miles each way?).  Driving distance to campus is 4 miles, but Raleigh has this AWESOME thing called the Greenway and Meredith is a part of it so I can walk it to campus and not worry about getting a parking ticket.  It’s funny because by Wednesday, I feel so MEH from not working out Mon-Tues-Wed but the weekends put me in a great mood.  Thank YOU, endorphins!

I have my first test on Monday and I’m nervous, but I made flash cards so I feel like I’m ready.  I may not get a 100 on the test but I still feel like saying, “Bring it on!”  haha, ask me again Monday around 1pm and I’ll probably be crying in a corner, wishing that I had another day to memorize everything.  I’m a very slow test taker; even when I know the answer, I’m one of those 2nd guessers who take forever to take a test.

Other than school, life is okay.  Clif called tonight and asked Jay and I to straight chill so we went out to a local bar and got some Jack Daniels and pickle chips.  This also puts me in a good mood.  Jay and Clif are watching “Thundercats” on the DVR right now and I’m blogging and kinda sorta looking at my flash cards in between paragraphs.  My alumni weekend at Marist College is in 2 weeks and I really want to go.  I don’t know if we can because we’re not sure if 1) Jay has off and 2) If all my homework for that week will be done but I’m hopeful!

And on that note, I will holler at you all later.  Actually, I will be blogging tomorrow because it’s September 11 and I always have something to say about 9/11.

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