Back to your regularly scheduled programming…

I’m back!  So sorry for the lack of updates in the past few weeks.  This time it wasn’t because of my own laziness or busy-ness or whatever.  I know this isn’t exactly a hotspot for your daily website visits, but you may have come by within the last 3 weeks and noticed that you got redirected to some very new faux Emma Watson porn!  Fortunately (or unfortunately, I suppose, if you’re a big Hermione fan), the wonderful and amazing Alice has managed to help clean this place up.

Not everything is in full working order again, however.  All of my pictures from pre-2012 have mysteriously vanished.  Given that I lost a lot of my pictures when my hard drive crashed on February 1, I’m a little bit panicked over the current unknown state of retrieving them.  I’m hoping that not all is lost.  I’ve spent many, many, many hours working on posts and recording important (and unimportant) parts of my life to be able to look back on, so I will be devastated – more devastated than when my hard drive crashed – to lose everything.  I just hope it can be recovered and I’m frustrated because I don’t know how to fix it, so I’m dependent on others (sorry, Alice) and I feel terribly annoying and a huge pain in the ass.

Well, that’s all now, folks.  A lot has been going on lately, so I should be posting very frequently for the next few weeks to try to get caught up.   Some good, some not so good, some boring, and some exciting.  I also promise to get that February Photo-a-Day post up.  I really had a great time doing that post for January’s Photo-a-Day!

Bed time for me now.  I got almost no sleep last night, but that’s a story for a whole other post.  Stay tuned.

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