Through the Window

I will admit that I am one of those Catholics who have a difficult time concentrating while at mass.  My mind wanders and I often feel like the lead character Bethany in Dogma, who balances her checkbook during mass (except I do online banking, so I leave my checkbook at home).  Today, I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful the scenery looked outside, both in front of and behind us.  Say what you will about Raleigh, but it has really gorgeous changes of seasons.

When mass was over, I decided to take a picture of the view outside the window behind us:

I ended up using that version without any filters for a post on  However, I had strongly considered using a few filters from Camera+ and Snapseed.  Since I spent a decent amount of time debating which to use before I ended up just going au natural, I figured I’d throw them up here so my efforts weren’t totally lost.  Enjoy!

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