Oh, Lindsay, Lindsay…

This blogging every day thing is more difficult than I thought, mainly because I don’t have that many interesting things to say.   So naturally, when I don’t feel interesting, I default to my favorite non-relevant topic: Bitching about Lindsay Lohan.  Although I could probably do a good paragraph of eye rolling and throwing shade at the fact that she has made $2 million so far this year for basically taking her clothes off, I will refrain.  Instead, I just want to point out something to the non-gossip blog hounds like I am.  This made me laugh so hard the other day.  Anytime you think you know how wonderful a celebrity is just because you read it in People or saw it on their website, you should remember how fake Hollywood is and just how much its run by publicists and ass kissers.

Maury Phillips/Getty Images; PatrickMcMullan.com/Sipa USA

So on Friday, People.com had an article up on their main page with the headline “Lindsay Lohan Has a Mellow Night Out with Pals.”  Now, I understand that if true, such an event could actually be news since I don’t think there’s ever been an eye to Hurricane Lindsanity’s storm, but we all know she couldn’t go a night without hitting the booze, coke, and/or meth for that to happen.  Regardless, I saw that headline and thought to myself, “Who cares? Must be a slow news day.”  I didn’t click on the link to read it nor did I give it a second thought until later, when I saw another story on one of my favorite gossip sites DListed which completely contradicted the one on People.  This account of the evening of Tuesday, August 7 showcased the LiLo we all know and love.  Essentially, Crackie McCokehead decided to crash the birthday party of Clint Eastwood’s daughter to scream about how she’s a nobody.  All together now: W…T…F?

Goodness, I hope Clint Eastwood gets Lindsay Lohan blacklisted in Hollywood.  No one owes you anything bitch and you’re no one anymore, so wake up and get over yourself.

So to sum this rambling post up [I really need to write blog posts in the morning from now on]: I love how People must’ve taken some sort of payoff from LiLo’s publicist (either that or Dina Lohan put Ali to work if you know what I mean) in order for them to plant what is an obviously false story in an attempt to cast doubt on another story which they must’ve known would be hitting the Internet hours later.  I’d trust Clint Eastwood’s daughter’s account of the evening over Lindsay Lohan’s any day of the week.  What a joke.  People.com should be ashamed of themselves.  I really don’t know if I’d ever give them credibility again as anything other than a publicist’s playground.

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