Obligatory 9/9/09 Post

Yeah, it’s 11:11pm on 9/9/09 so what better to do than a quick blog post?

Today was sad at work.  One of my bosses, Heather, resigned.  She’s probably one of the most awesome people ever, so it was a somber day at work.  But when I got home, Jay had made me French Dip and bought me a present to cheer me up!  Here’s my present:


It’s the new Vera Bradley color (Carnaby) and bag (the Stephanie).  I’ve been looking at it for a good month so yay!  I have the best man ever.

While I watched “Glee” (awesome.), Jay went over to record the new Flash Forward ‘Cast with Jack.  It was so adorable before he left because Zoe sat on his leg and hugged it, like she didn’t want him to leave haha.  Yeah, I know. I’m a dork x 1,000.


Sara & TJ’s wedding was kick ass.  I’ve put up a gazillion pictures on Facebook and still have one more album left, but I’ll have to pick a few of my favorite ones and put them up on here this weekend for all you people with lives who don’t want to shift through 200 pictures of someone else’s wedding just to see two people that you know.  So stay tuned.

Finally, we’ve got a whoooole bunch of things planned for Nudia.tv that I/we won’t announce until after our meeting on Saturday BUT I have a crapload of buttons leftover from Comic Con and I’d love to send them out to whoever wants one.  Sooo send me a direct message on Twitter (www.twitter.com/Colleen84) or on Facebook or an email to YuBlog.org@gmail.com or heck, if you’re not shy about broadcasting where you live in the comments on here, then go for it.  I’m compiling a list through this weekend and buying a large book of stamps and envelopes to ship ’em out.  Woot.


(Picture by Ryan Ozawa)

Okay bed. Go 9/9/09!

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